Even though I am in my thirties I still have breakouts and have acne scars from my teenage years and have to wear heavy make up which is ageing. A lot of medicated products that I have tried seem too harsh for my skin, what other options are there?

Adult acne is more common than you think. As we age, cell turnover slows down, we don’t naturally exfoliate as well as we did when we were younger, so in adults, the oil builds up under layers of dead skin cells and causes inflammation, pustules and pimples. Everyday products such as oily makeup, moisturizer and serums clog our pores further perpetuating the problem.
Having a daily home regime using an effective cleanser designed for oily skin, a gentle exfoliator, and controlling the oil in your skin is essential.
We would use a tailored skincare approach to help reduce breakouts. The ZO skincare range offers different formulations suited to treat all types of acne, and therapy can be modified to be gentle and easier to tolerate.

Microneedling can be effective in softening or eliminating acne scarring, and has minimal downtime associated.
Chemical peels and lasers are very effective at reducing acne scarring. Both these procedures necessitate a longer downtime.