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Zo® Skin Health Skincare
These products are amongst the most advanced skincare products available today. Incorporating the latest advances in cosmetic chemistry with unique delivery systems, bioengineered complexes and effective formulations (with retinol at the heart of them) that really deliver results.

Skin health
Our skin is the canvas of our body that reveals the story of our life. From acne breakouts in our teenage years, to the radiant glow of pregnancy and the sunspots of ageing, both our age and health are reflected in our skin. Whether we like it or not, it is where we spot the first signs of ageing.
Our skin can have an influence on our confidence and well-being as well as affecting the quality of our lives. Many of us have experienced days when we have had to cover up and conceal unhealthy skin.
Skin is the third facet to facial rejuvenation alongside dermal filler and botulinum toxin. Our skin is the blank canvas for all other treatments. Without healthy skin we simply cannot look our best.
At Queensway Skin Clinic, skin health restoration is at the core of our clinical practice. By definition healthy skin is strong, smooth, even-toned, firm, naturally hydrated and disease free. Dr Uzma Olbrich and Dr Rebecca Hierons are passionate about finding individual solutions to help you achieve and maintain healthy skin – whatever your skin type, age and ethnicity.
We use a combined approach to maximise results for our patients. This includes prescription formulated skin care, chemical peels, wrinkle softeners and volume enhancement with dermal fillers. Together these methods provide both immediate and long-term improvements to rejuvenate skin.

At Queensway Skin Clinic we use the ZO® skincare prescription range to achieve disease free, healthy skin. These are the brainchild of Dr Zein Obagi, a world renowned dermatologist who has continuously advanced the science of skin health for more than 35 years.
Skin evaluation
Our clinicians will provide a detailed personal consultation covering all aspects relevant to your individual aesthetic needs. We can work together to formulate a plan towards picking the best treatments to generate maximum results based on your budget. All plans are bespoke to our client's needs. For outstanding results we utilise results-driven medical grade products in individually tailored prescribed programmes.
Skin health ethos
At QSC we use the ZO® skin care prescription range to achieve disease free, healthy skin. These are the brainchild of Dr Zein Obagi, a world renowned dermatologist who has continuously advanced the science of skin health for more than 35 years. He redefined the concept of healthy skin, going beyond merely treating skin disease by bridging the gap between therapeutics and skin health.
From Beverley Hills to the North East of England, we are excited to have his portfolio of products available at our clinic. Both Uzma and Rebecca have trained with Dr Obagi personally in London and Beverley Hills. Uzma is a leading ZO expert in the UK. She is a member of the ZO Skinhealth faculty and trains other practitioners all over the UK
These products are amongst the most advanced skincare products available today. Incorporating the latest advances in cosmetic chemistry with unique delivery systems, bioengineered complexes and effective formulations (with retinol at the heart of them) that really deliver results including improving pigmentation.
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